
I love Marmite but never really gave it much thought as something other than a yummy start to the day. Sometime ago I idly “Liked” the Marmite page on FB as it was funny and well written. In my sidebar I just noticed a Marmite post on the small ticker and actually clicked on it.

Marmite and Vegemite have a distinctive dark c...

My Sticky Mistress

The Marmarati – how funny. I actually found myself sharing details and engaging as it tickled me. I know it is just clever tricks to capture info and profile etc. I get all that. What made me write this was standing outside my body and observing my – normally grumpy and obstructive self when it comes to the “who are you” questions – merrily filling in, accurately, all the info capture to become one of The Marmarati. I intellectualise this sharing by viewing it as  my rewarding wit, effort and creativity – sadly lacking in most online stuff – with accurate personal data. The question on age had a genius addendum. I normally lie extravagantly and try to make myself at least a Centurion, but didn’t.

Marmite has just secured the holy grail of customer info and I was a willing participant in the process. Who’da thunk it?

Getting motivated

I have been spurred back into action by reading a funny and thought provoking blog. If you want a neat blog to follow then . I blame RC 100% for my poorly written return to the blog-o-sphere. Given that I am now actively house searching (for me) then if dealing with banks, a 10y old daughter and estate agents ought to provide me a rich seam to talk about under the heading of What About The Customer. I will post separately but I have had a fantastic experience w. my bank – First Direct – and pretty predictable and disappointing experiences w. Estate Agents. My brother has a good expression about them; “lying *bastards* (my substitution on the grounds of taste) with wide-angle lenses”.